In general, you do not need to disclose any personal information when you visit our website.

However, in some cases, we may need your personal information, such as your email address, when rendering our services to you. Jia Yuan promises that your personal information and materials will be treated in strict confidence. Unless otherwise required by law or governmental provisions, Jia Yuan will take reasonable safety measures to protect your personal information, and without your prior consent, we will not disclose such information to any unaffiliated third party.

If you do not want us to use your personal information to keep in touch with you, we will respect your wishes.

Meanwhile, your domain name when visiting our website may be automatically retained by the system. Such data will be used, however, only for analytical and statistical purpose in order to know the trend and statistical data, such as the visiting frequency of visitors, time duration for each visiting, as well as the webpages being browsed, all such recorded data will be subsequently erased. 

Jia Yuan Law Offices. All Rights Reserved    05086521-1