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Initial public offering and listing of Changyuan Lico on the STAR Market

2021-08-11 7677

On August 11, 2021, Hunan Changyuan Lico Co., Ltd. (湖南长远锂科股份有限公司) (“Changyuan Lico” or the “Company”, stock code: 688779) was listed on the STAR Market of Shanghai Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as “SSE”), with the funds raised therefrom totaling CNY2,725,003,900. In this project, Jia Yuan served as the attorney of the issuer, and provided professional legal services for the listing of Changyuan Lico throughout the process.


Changyuan Lico, a subsidiary of China Minmetals, is mainly engaged in the research and development, production and sales of high-efficiency battery cathode materials, and is committed to providing cathode materials with high safety, high energy density and high cycle times for new energy batteries. The Company is one of the earliest domestic enterprises engaged in the R&D and production of ternary cathode materials, and also one of the earliest domestic enterprises with the capacity for mass production of ternary cathode materials. After years of technical accumulation and industrialization experience, the Company has formed a first-mover advantage in the field of ternary cathode materials, and has successfully entered the supplier system for lithium battery manufacturers such as CATL (宁德时代), BYD (比亚迪), EVE (亿纬锂能), and Sunwoda (欣旺达); meanwhile, it deepens the cooperation with clients through continuous technical optimization and product iteration.


In this project, Jia Yuan served as the attorney of the issuer; specifically, attorney Yu YAN participated in tutoring on relevant regulations and rules, the shareholding reform, the employee stock ownership, the initial public offering and listing application, the reply to the feedback from the SSE, the registration and various other work of the Company throughout the process, and provided professional legal advice on and solutions to the relevant legal issues involved in the project.

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